martes, 18 de junio de 2013

Mexican flag

Common misconception: the Mexican flag is not an Italian flag with an eagle in the middle. The green on the Mexican flag is darker and, according to Wikipedia, this flag has a 4:7 proportion while the Italian is 2:3. Honestly, I thought most flags had the same size.

That said, here are some facts:
Green = hope, White = faith and unity, Red = the blood of the heroes who fought for our independence.

Why the eagle? Well, legend has it that when the Aztecs were looking for a place to build their city (Tenochtitlan), they had to look for an eagle devouring a snake and that would be the spot. They found it, built the city there and several years later, alas! Mexico City.

Mexican flag being raised at Campo Marte (military field next to Los Pinos, the equivalent to the White House, presidential home/offices, etc.)

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